Best 800 Objects

Object Type Mag Size Con Dist/ly /100 Map Comments
M1SNR8.46x4TAU6.3k8703Crab Nebula. Supernova remnant irregular potato shape.
M2GC6.616AQR36.2k9610GANYMEDE GC. Intense core, halo partially resolved in 8". Secret treasure.
M3GC6.316.2CVN30.6k9706JELLYFISH GC. Stunning 2nd best in N sky, resolv & intense core. Map 8. Yellow blue L/P.
M4GC5.626.3SCO6.8k9909COBWEB GC. Cat's Eye. Pretty resolv. & bar nr Antares. N6293 (SD75) GC n (8' diam).
M5GC6.517.4SER22.8k9709PYTHON GC. Spectacular GC well resolved down to a small, intense core.
M6OC5.915SCO2k6709Butterfly cluster. Naked-eye beautifully rich cluster.
M7OC3.680SCO1k6809+Very large and bright cluster, easy naked-eye and resolvable in any scope
M8DN6.190x40SGR6.5k10009Lagoon Neb. Dark lane. 5x5 N6544 (HT89) Starfish CL near.
M9GC7.69.3OPH26.4k9209PASTEUR GC. Partially resolved in 8". N6293 (SD77) GC near (10' diam).
M10GC7.115.1OPH13.4k9609FLEMMING GC. Rich, highly resolvable cluster with 8". Pair w/ M12.
M11OC6.614SCT6k6609Wild Duck cluster. Extremely rich faint stars arrowhead. L/P.
M12GC7.014.5OPH17.6k9609Gumball. Large bright GC. Well resolved halo. Pair w/ M10
M13GC5.816.6HER22.2k9808GREAT. Spectacular resolved GC. Yellow red centre. Green halo. H/P.
M14GC7.611.7OPH27.4k9309LISTER GC. Large, mottled appearance. M/P. Not often observed.
M15GC6.312.3PEG32.6k9610GT PEGASUS GC. Beautiful. Intense core & well resolved halo. Twin of M2.
M16OC6.135x28SER7k7109EAGLE NEB. Large outstretched "Eagle" shape with bright cluster.
M17EN6.446x37SGR5k10009Swan Neb. In rich starfield.
M18OC7.19SGR6k6309Black Swan. Bright but scattered cluster in a "V" asterism. L/P.
M19GC6.813.5OPH27.1k9609JENNER GC. Bright GC resolve in 8 inch. 58"x34" N6369 (HT81) Little Ghost Neb near.
M20C+N6.829x27SGR2.2k9909Trifid or Clover Nebula. Remarkable dark rift with central multi star.
M21OC6.113SGR3k6609Bright cluster about 40’ NE of Trifid Nebula. H/P.
M22GC5.424SGR10.1k9909Crackerjack. Wonderful easy res. One of best GC in sky. Lots of surprises.
M23OC5.927SGR4.5k6909Beautiful cluster with chains and loops, use lowest power.
M24OC4.2120x60SGR10k7609STAR CLOUD. Huge star cloud, visible to naked eye - use binocs. Impressive stellar city.
M25OC5.132SGR2k7209Large bright cl several colored stars. Look for after image on E side.
M26OC8.315SCT5k6409Rich cl. N6712 (HT95) GC near (10' diam.) Obscured by star cloud.
M27PN7.38x6VUL1.25k9208Dumbbell. Best PN. Ghostly bow-tie lobes. Pale green. H/P for interior.
M28GC7.011.2SGR17.9k9409Fairly rich tiny charming cluster in a milky way field.
M29OC6.77CYG7.2k6308Cooling Tower. Small, bright trapezoid. Edges HT102 N Coalsack. L/P.
M30GC7.412CAP24.8k9410GOAT GC. Bright GC with several prominent star lanes in halo.
M31Sb3.8190x61AND2.2M10002Awesome sight in all scopes. Great Andromeda gxy.
M32E8.39x7AND2.2M9102Ell. gxy; small, bright companion to M31. Featureless round glow.
M33Sc5.971x42TRI2.3M10002Invisible in bright skies, delightful in dark. Triangulum gxy. Pinwheel Gxy
M34OC5.335PER1.4k7103Very bright and large - visible naked-eye. Dramatic in M/P. Spray of dbls.
M35OC5.228GEM2.8k7103Wonderful. OC N2158 nrby. Rows & loops. Scallop shell figure of 8 in L/P.
M36OC6.112AUR4.1k6503Pinwheel Cluster. Bright, scattered. Pair of dbls straddle center. M/P.
M37OC5.824AUR4.6k6903Nice rich symm cl Auriga's best. Like GC. Topaz jewel at center. Waterbug.
M38OC6.721AUR4.2k6703Starfish Cluster. Sand dollar. Bright w/ cross. 30' to N1907 puff.
M39OC4.832CYG8257202Large bright cl, L/P or binocs. Follow each apex to 3 mini asterisms.
M40**9.00.8UMA0.3k6805Winnecke 2 - pair of mag 9 stars at 50" separation
M41OC4.538CMA2.4k7404HANGING BAT CL. V bright cluster 4° S of Sirius - use low power. Hanging bat. Red stars.
M42DN4.066x60ORI1.6k10004Orion Nebula - best emission nebula in northern sky!! Green / red.
M43DN8.520x15ORI1.6k9704Comma shaped emission neb forms "head of the bird", just sth of M42.
M44OC3.395CNC0.5k7706Beehive. Large, naked-eye cluster, use lowest power. Lots of dbls.
M45OC1.4110TAU0.4k8103Pleiades. Nebulosity e.g. around Merope (btm left).
M46OC6.127PUP5.4k6904CL & PN. Glorious includes PN NGC 2438 in H/P. Spiral structure in L/P.
M47OC4.430PUP1.6k7504Impressive cl, 3 dbls & 2 orange stars. N2423 cl connected by chain to N.
M48OC5.754HYA1.5k7506ALLIGATOR CL. Large, scattered group with a richer row of stars. Dark notches.
M49E8.410x8VIR60M9207Bright elliptical with a prominent core. Most luminous in Virgo cluster.
M50OC6.016MON3k6604DNA CL. Large sctrd cl. 4x3 N2316 (SD32) near. DNA strand 120' long to N2335.
M51Sbc8.311x7CVN37M9305Whirlpool Gxy & companion, spectacular spiral. Look for bridge in H/P.
M52OC7.013CAS7k6402Scorpion. Uniform rich cl. 9x6 N Lagoon Neb N7538 (SD108) & C11 near.
M53GC7.612.6COM56.4k9406DRAGSTER GC. Intermediate concentration GC. Near M64. Dragster asterism nearby.
M54GC7.89.1SGR82.8k7409Bright globular with an intense core but difficult to resolve
M55GC5.919SGR16.6k7909+Very large, loosely compressed globular, easily resolved
M56GC8.37.1LYR31.6k8808HARP GC. Small grainy GC betw Albireo & M57. Perfect snowball darkness around.
M57PN9.076"LYR4.1k8108Ring Nebula. Pretty little smoke ring. H/P for dim interior.
M58SBb9.66x5VIR60M8507Oval galaxy with an bright core. Starting point for tour of Virgo galaxies.
M59E9.65x4VIR60M8407Bright oval, pair with M60 25’ E
M60E18.87x6VIR60M8707Bright ell. in a double system with 4647 off NW side. Pair w M59.
M61SBbc9.87x6VIR60M9506SWELLING SPIRAL. Bright face-on evident spiral structure. Visually pleasing. Compact. H/P.
M62GC6.514.1OPH21.5k7609Unusual asymmetric appearance with a flattened SE region
M63Sbc8.813x7CVN37M9305Sunflower. Bright spiral big halo. Detailed arms H/P. 9th mag star 4' W.
M64Sab8.610x5COM12M9107Black-Eye Gxy. Name derives from dark patch NE of the core. H/P.
M65SBa9.310x3LEO35M9006Spiral, regular oval in Leo Trio (M66 N3628). Joy to see hard to observe.
M66SBb8.79x4LEO35M9006Lovely odd spiral bright in Leo Trio. Streaky M/P tough to see features.
M67OC6.730CNC2.25k6906King Cobra GC. Beautifully rich ancient cluster at low power.
M68GC7.712HYA32.3k9306SEA SERPENT GC. Starts to resolve well in 8" scope. Beauty in M/P.
M69GC8.17.1SGR25.4k7309Bright and lively globular 4.5’ SE of a mag 8 star
M70GC8.57.8SGR28k7309+Bright core, use high power to resolve halo
M71GC8.57.2SGE11.7k8808CORNICE GC. Grainy loose GC. Rich in faint stars. Snow wedge shape.
M72GC9.46AQR52.8k8410DIAMOND GC. Mottled non-symmetrical GC with a bright core. H/P. Tiny tough.
M73AST9.43AQR?8210Rocketship shape. Four stars mag 11-12 in a "Y" asterism.
M74Sc9.611x10PSC5 35M9110Phantom gxy. Faint face-on spiral - needs dark skies. Tough.
M75GC8.56SGR57.7k8609Bright core but difficult to resolve. Hard to find.
M76PN10.567"PER3.4k8902Little Dumbbell Neb. Unusual 2 lobe hourglass. Surprising / mysterious.
M77Sb8.97x6CET60M8710Cetus A. Unusually intense core - Seyfert gxy. Chaotic spiral.
M78RN8.68x6ORI1.6k9004COMET NEB. Large, bright ref nebula around 2 mag 10 stars In Barnard's Loop (SD26).
M79GC7.96LEP39.8k8704HARE GC. Compact but rich GC. H/P starfish arms.
M80GC7.48.9SCO27.4k9209Coconut. GC w/ dense core - stark contrast w/ nrby M4. H/P.
M81Sab7.227x14UMA11M9805Bode’s Neb. Lovely big spiral, pair with M82. Egg shape. Spiral in A/V.
M82Sd8.511x4UMA11M9705Cigar. Bright edge-on with unusual dark cuts. Stunning in M/P.
M83SBc7.513x12HYA10M9406STH PINWHEEL GXY. Large, bright spiral with arm structure in larger scopes
M84E9.27x6VIR60M8607MARK'S CHAIN. Bright ell. gxy at western end of Markarian's chain, nr M86. Rich gxy area.
M85Sa9.27x6COM60M8607Bright oval with a prominent core, pair w/ N4394 8’ E. Spiral structure.
M86E39.19x6VIR60M9007Bright ell. gxy in Mark's chain, nr M84.
M87E8.87x7VIR60M8707Bright ell. gxy in Mark's chain. Intense core. Centre of gxy cluster.
M88Sb9.77x4COM60M8607Bright, elongated spiral w/ intense core. Like Andromeda but compact.
M89E9.85x5VIR60M8407High surface brightness elliptical with an intense core. Pair w/ M90.
M90SBab9.610x4VIR60M9007Large, very elongated spiral. Pair w/ M89. Strong oval glow.
M91SBb10.05x4COM60M9307Fairly large, bright oval, M88 lies 50’ WSW. Barred spiral M/P.
M92GC6.511.2HER26.1k9508MINI GREAT. Beautiful GC well resolved in 8" w/ long streaming star lanes. M/P.
M93OC6.222PUP4.5k6804Spider's Web. Bright, rich cl. Yellow orange stars. Like spider on web.
M94Sab8.111x9CVN14.5M9305Croc's Eye. Spiral gxy. Small, bright. Ring around core intriguing in H/P.
M95SBb9.97x5LEO38M8506Barred spiral w/ M96&105. Part of Leo I. L/P. Broken ring spiral structure.
M96SBab9.38x5LEO38M8806One armed barred spiral in Leo I with M95&105. See bar in H/P.
M97PN10.1170"UMA2.6k8105Owl Neb. Big odd PN 2 low contrast eyes. Sweep eyes over it to see "eyes".
M98SBb10.010x2COM60M9007Bright, elongated galaxy 30’ W of 6 Comae Berenices. Edge on spiral.
M99Sc9.55x5COM60M8407Large, bright face-on pinwheel spiral structure visible. Pair w/ M100.
M100SBbc9.77x6COM60M8607Largest spiral in the Virgo cluster. Pair w/ M99. Difficult object.
M101SBc8.529x27UMA24M9805Pinwheel Gxy. Face-on spiral - knots and hint of spiral arms in H/P.
M102SOa9.95x2DRA40M9405NGC5866. Bright, bulging core & thin dust lane, sub for M102. Spindly in M/P. Spindle Gxy
M103OC7.46CAS8k6302Small but distinctive wedge-shaped cluster. 6x6 N659 (HT7) cl near.
M104Sa8.29x4VIR50M9706Sombrero Gxy. Spectacular edge-on w/ prominent dust lane. Stunning H/P.
M105E9.15x5LEO38M9506Ell. Gxy perfect oval; w/ M95 & M96. Leo I. N3384 & 3389 in field.
M106SBbc8.419x7CVN25M9905BEAGLE GXY. Beautiful long spiral with s-shape arm structure in L/P. View core in H/P.
M107GC8.313OPH19.6k9809CURIE GC. Affected by interstellar dust. Only a few stars resolved in 8".
M108SBc10.29x2UMA45M9605Surfboard. Large interesting edge-on. Star at center. H/P. Few features.
M109SBbc10.08x5UMA55M9605VACUUM GXY. Largest of M81 grp. Typical bar spiral 40’ to Gam UMa. 60' to 3953 'twin'. M/P.
M110E8.422x11AND2.2M9902Ell. gxy; irregularly shaped dimmer companion to M31. H/P.
NGC23SBa12.22x2PEG210M301014M N26 is 0.1 deg SE 3 S st + neb
NGC24Sc11.76x2SCL25M2710Nearly edge-on bright large spiral
NGC40PN10.748"CEP37008301C2 Bow-tie Neb. Mag 11.5 central star in easy halo.
NGC51S013.11.7AND246M1102GXTR1 & GXTR2 brightest in group of 6 including NGC 49 and NGC 48 LITTLE SISTERS
NGC55SBm7.932x6SCL6.2M8110+C72 Huge irregular edge-on with faint east section Sculptor Galaxy Group
NGC125S0a12.61x1PSC244M910NGC 128 Group
NGC129OC7.221CAS3302Contains DL Cas ; 50 stars bright rich with small triangle of bright stars at centre
NGC134SBbc10.39x2SCL60M5310+SD2 Large edge-on with bright core and small companion GIANT SQUID GALAXY
NGC138Sa13.71.3PSC547M810GXTR3 13.7 14.3 14.3 N138/39/41 3-FISH
NGC142SBb13.81.1CET368M710GXTR4 13.7 14.4 13.7 N142/43/44 BET CET GRP-I
NGC147E5p9.518x11CAS2.4M7602C17 Thorin Gxy. Lens dwarf satellite of M31, pair w/ C18. Tough. Dark sky L/P.
NGC151SBbc11.84x2CET172M2410Two long arms
NGC157SBbc10.54x3CET70M4810Superman galaxy
NGC175SBab12.42x2CET180M1410Theta structure
NGC177Sab13.22.2CET176M1210GXTR5 13.8 13.8 13.2 N168/172/177 BET CET GRP-II
NGC185E39.412x10CAS2.0M9502C18 Gimli Gxy. Round dwarf M31 satellite, pair w/ C17. Bracketed by 2 stars.
NGC188OC8.314CEP54006201C1 N POLE CL. Dim, ancient open cl. nr Polaris. Forms skeleton hand.
NGC189OC8.85x5CAS35002602HT1 HOSKINS CL
NGC192SBa12.61.9CET190M1210HCG007 12.6 12.9 12.9 14.1 N192 N196 N201 N197 4-WHALES
NGC198Sc13.41x1PSC242M710NGC 182 group; small face-on surrounded by faint galaxies
NGC210SBb10.94.6CET75M110Outer arms form encircling ring
NGC217S0a12.93x1CET183M1610Edge-on galaxy
NGC225OC8.012CAS21435802HT2 Sailboat Cluster. 5x5 NGC 189 (HT1) near.
NGC246PN9.6245"CET21008310C56 SKULL PN. Large annular PN with several stars involved.
NGC247SBcd9.221x7CET8.1M9810C62 Milkweed Gxy. Very large, elongated galaxy in Sculptor group.
NGC252S0a12.41.4AND227M1102GXTR6 Brightest in group 12.3 14.6 13.5 N252/58/60 MERMAID GRP
NGC253SBc7.228x7SCL13M9910C65 Sculptor Gxy. Best in South Sky. Very bright edge-on with extensive dust.
NGC278SBb11.12x2CAS26M5702Bright, round elliptical
NGC281EN7.335x30CAS10k9802HT3 Pacman Nebula around open cluster.
NGC288GC8.213.8SCL30k7510HT4 Well resolved globular 1.7° SE of NGC 253 SHADOW GC
NGC300Scd8.522x16SCL6.8M7610C70 Very large, face-on spiral S-shaped STH PINWHEEL
NGC315E211.53x2PSC227M3610GXTR7 13.0 11.2 14.2 N311/15/18 SIG PSC GRP
NGC337SBcd11.83x2CET76M2010Coarse spiral pattern
NGC392ES012.71.2PSC216M1010GXTR8 12.7 14.0 14.5 N392/94/97 MIRACH GRP-IV
NGC404ES010.64x4AND11M8202HT5 Mirach's Ghost. Bright elliptical located 6’ SE of Beta And.
NGC410E11.72x1PSC243M3510GXTR9 13.4 11.5 13.5 N407/10/14 MIRACH GRP-III
NGC428SBm11.64x3CET53M2410Patchy central region
NGC430E212.51.3CET244M1010GXTR10 12.8 13.4 12.5 N426/29/30 KRACKEN GRP
NGC436OC8.96CAS79004302Rich and compact - distinctive group
NGC451Sc13.90.7PSC224M510GXTR11 14.0 14.2 13.9 N447/49/51 MIRACH GRP-I
NGC457OC6.613CAS79226802C13 ET Cluster. Beautiful bird-shaped including mag 5 star.
NGC488Sb10.45x4PSC95M8310SD3 Whirligig best in group. Small pretty face-on spiral. OK suburbs. M/P.
NGC514SBc11.94x3PSC114M2410Nice nearly face-on spiral
NGC520Sap11.45x2PSC104M3310Unusual distorted spiral Peculiar M82 type
NGC524S0a10.73x3PSC109M5210Bright elliptical in a large group
NGC536SBb12.43AND238M1702HCG010 12.4 12.1 13.8 14.7 N536 N529 N531 N542 MIRACH GRP-II
NGC559OC9.27CAS5602C8 Ghost's Goblet. Colorful cup-shaped cluster.
NGC584E410.84x2CET76M7010HT6 Bright elliptical with faint companion LITTLE SPINDLE GALAXY
NGC596E411.23.5CET86M411012.5M N600 is 0.4 deg S el very small circular
NGC613SBbc10.26x4SCL68M5610+Bright elongated galaxy with prominent core
NGC615Sb11.84CET85M4210Small elusive
NGC636E311.83x2CET85M2010Group with 586, 596, 600 and 615
NGC654OC7.05CAS94005402SD4 Rich in faint stars FUZZY BUTTERFLY
NGC659OC8.36x6CAS74304602HT7 30* mags 12... Near N663
NGC660Sba11.78x3PSC39M2810 Polar Ring Galaxy
NGC663OC7.216CAS26006802C10 Horseshoe. Rich cluster with several dbls. Near N654 (SD4) 6' diam OC.
NGC665S012.52x2PSC249M1410Brightest in group
NGC672SBc11.07x3TRI7M5902GXTR14 Large, diffuse spiral in a group with N672 & IC1727; ALP TRI GRP
NGC680E111.91.8ARI129M1310GXTR15 12.2 11.9 14.3 N678/80/I1730 RAMS
NGC697SBbc12.24.4ARI142M410Brightest in group
NGC706Sc12.62x1PSC229M1310NGC 676 group
NGC718SBa11.92x2PSC80M1510Two smooth arms
NGC720E510.64.4CET80M4310Small round brt nucleus
NGC741E011.53x3PSC256M3610GXTR16 Brightest in group;UGC 1413 11.2 14.3 15.1p N741/42/I1751 ALP PSC GRP
NGC752OC5.850AND7202C28 ALMACH CL. Very large, bright cluster binocs. Near Almach (Gam And). Colorful pairs.
NGC772Sb10.57x4ARI105M8410HT8 FIDDLEHEAD GXY. Oval spiral bright core. N770 visible in M/P. Apostrophe shape.
NGC779SBb11.34x1CET63M4210Nearly edge-on spiral
NGC784SBd11.77x2TRI15M1502Long edge-on galaxy
NGC821E611.13x2ARI80M3110Bright core, near bright star
NGC835SBabp12.11.3CET187M1110HCG016 Contact P w NGC 833 12.1 12.7 13 13.1 N835 N833 N838 N839 ZET CET GRP
NGC864SBc10.95x3CET58M910Face-on spiral
NGC869OC4.718 eachPER67807502C14 DOUBLE CL. Famous Double Cluster (w/ 884). Red stars. 25' sep.
NGC877SBbc11.92x2ARI162M110Brightest in group of NGC 870;871;876;877
NGC890ESB011.73x2TRI183M2102Blob galaxy with bright core. Edge-on 15' away
NGC891Sb10.113x3AND32M9503C23 OUTER LIMITS GXY. Beauty edge-on w/ dark lane. From Outer Limits TV show. Thin streak M/P.
NGC896EN27x13CAS3802Western knot of HEART NEBULA
NGC908SBc10.56x3CET60M6110HT9 sp elongated evenly brt large
NGC915S014.00.7x0.7ARI202M410GXTR18 13.9 14.0 14.5 N915/16/19 HORNS
NGC925SBcd10.311x6TRI30M7102Large, elongated spiral - look for bar.
NGC936SB0a10.45x4CET66M7810SD7 TIE FIGHTER. Tie-fighter gxy. Barred spiral use H/P. Unusually bright core.
NGC949Sb11.83x2TRI17M2802Bright core
NGC955Sab12.03x0.9CET56M110Poss edge-on S0 lens shape
NGC957OC7.511PER3002Fairly rich - near Double Cluster
NGC969S012.31.7TRI207M1202GXTR19 12.3 14.7 12.7 N969/70/74 PERTRI GRP-II
NGC972Sab11.73x2ARI59M2810Coarse spiral pattern w irregular dust lanes
NGC991SBc11.93x3CET70M2010Face-on mottled
NGC996E013.01.4AND211M902GXTR22 13.0 13.5 13.9 N996/99/1001 PERSAND GRP
NGC1003Sc11.66x2PER19M3402Cigar-shaped. Small comp at 15'
NGC1012S0a12.33x1ARI45M1810Bright large core
NGC1022SBa11.52x1CET67M3910Small with prominent bar
NGC1023ESB09.89x3PER36M8803HT10 Perseus Lenticular. Impressive with bright, bulging core. M/P. C23 nearby.
NGC1024Sab12.13.9ARI162M2310GXTR23 12.1 14.3 13.1 N1024/28/29 MU CET GRP
NGC1032S0a12.23x1CET124M3110Edge-on hamburger style with dust lane. Companion at 4.3'
NGC1035Sc12.42x1CET57M1510Nearly edge-on spiral
NGC1052E410.93x2CET69M5110Small but bright core. Impressive large face-on spiral N1042 at 15'
NGC1055SBb11.17x2CET46M4510Large nearly edge-on spiral w equatorial dust lane
NGC1058Sc11.53x3PER24M3102NGC1023 grp;patchy main body;mult arm pattern
NGC1060ES012.12x2TRI239M3502GXTR24 14.2 11.8 14.0 N1057/60/61 PERTRI GRP-II
NGC1073SBc11.15x5CET56M3410Large face-on spiral prominent bar nr 1087. Cetus A M77 Group
NGC1084Sc10.93x2ERI65M5804SD8 Irregular mottled appearance ETA ERI GXY
NGC1087SBc11.04x2CET58M4210In NGC1068 grp;P w NGC1090 @15' and NGC1094,20'
NGC1099SBb13.11.9ERI347M1104HCG021 13.1 13 12.6 13.4 14.1 N1099 N1100 N1098 N1092 N1091 5-RIVERS
NGC1156IBm11.94x3ARI17M2410Irr dwarf w traces of spiral struct;bar-like core
NGC1161S011.43x2PER90M2203P w NGC1160 at 3.5'
NGC1169SBb11.64x3PER110M2403Eye shaped. PGC10308 at 10'N
NGC1175S0a13.12x1PER254M1203Bright core; Saturn-like
NGC1184S0a12.73x1CEP108M1701Edge-on central bulge with hint of dust lane
NGC1187SBc10.86x4ERI55M3404Multi arm spiral large, stunning!
NGC1199E311.72x2ERI118M3504HCG022 Brightest in small group 6-STREAMS
NGC1214S0a14.01.3ERI224M704HCG023 14 14.1 14.8 15.3 N1214 N1215 N1216 M-02-08-050 4-BECKS
NGC1232SBc10.07x7ERI65M6504HT11 Large diffuse halo with bright core EYE OF GOD GALAXY
NGC1245OC8.510PER93806302SD9 Very rich in faint stars. Huge Mel 20 (HT14) Little Cloud of Pirates near. PATRICK STARFISH
NGC1275S0p11.82x2PER242M7103C24 Perseus A gxy Cluster. Brightest gxy. Fuzzy star with coma.
NGC1291SB0a8.510x8ERI39M5104+HT12 Prominent round galaxy SNOW COLLLAR GXY
NGC1332ES010.55x1ERI62M5704Striking edge-on galaxy with supermassive black hole
NGC1342OC6.714PER21706503SD11 Stingray large, scattered group - low/p binocs. Pretty.
NGC1395E210.26x5ERI81M5004Fairly small but bright elliptical
NGC1400ES011.43x2ERI19M4704SD12 Pair w N1407(SD13), brightest members of grp of 50 gxs ERI-A GXY-I
NGC1407E110.15x5ERI94M6104SD13 ERI-A GXY-II
NGC1421SBbc11.63x0.8ERI87M2904Nearly edge-on
NGC1491EN3x3PER10.7k7703SD14 T-rex fossil footprint neb. Bright, circular EN foot-pad and toes.
NGC1499EN5.0145x40PER7603California Nebula - very faint, unusually large, use filter
NGC1501PN12.452"CAM49008001HT22 OYSTER PN. Blue Oyster. Annular PN w/ faint sta,r sth of Kemble's Casc. Oval in H/P.
NGC1502OC6.18CAM26806401HT23 NR KEMBLE'S CASCADE. Striking small trapezoid-shaped cl. End of Kemble's Casc (20 star string).
NGC1513OC8.59PER3703Fairly rich cluster 50’ SE of Lambda Persei
NGC1514PN10.7132"TAU6007803SD15 Crystal ball. Prominent star. Dim & difficult. Center star in line of 3. THE PANSY
NGC1528OC6.424PER25306803HT25 M&M CL. Larger cl, use L/P. 4 red stars. Like colored sweets. Forms two 'M's.
NGC1535PN9.721"ERI70008204HT24 Cleo's Eye. Tiny blu/grey disk in Low/P. Dappled in Med/P
NGC1545OC6.418PER23206603HT26 RUNNING MAN CL. Includes chains of faint stars, colored stars and a pretty double star.
NGC1555EN0.5x0.5TAU450?503Hind's Variable Nebula, STRUVE'S LOST NEBULA with 1554
NGC1569IBm11.44x2CAM9M3301Elongated with a high surface brightness
NGC1618SBb12.82x1ERI225M3404GXTR28 12.7 12.5 12.3 N1618/22/25 NU ERI GRP
NGC1624C+N11.35x5PER33036 or 7 st + neb
NGC1637SBc11.04x3ERI33M3304Nearly face-on loose wound arms. Single lopsided outer arm
NGC1647OC6.345TAU36007303HT27 PIRATE MOON CL. Scattered cluster with several bright stars.
NGC1664OC7.618AUR39106503MC75 Rich with several double stars and chains. EPS AUR CL
NGC1700E411.53x2ERI179M2104Pair w NGC 1699
NGC1741Sdm13.31.4x0.7ERI187M404HCG031 12.5 14.7 12.9 N1741 CURSA GRP
NGC1750OC20TAU3303SD17 Part of NGC 1746 VENN DIAG CL-I
NGC1778OC7.87AUR54503703Arranged in 2 rows, includes a pretty double
NGC1788RN10.05x3ORI7804SD19 Batface unusually bright reflection nebula two stars. Silky L/P.
NGC1807OC7.317 & 20TAU5804SD20 Poorman's dbl cl striking stick man of 24 stars with N1817 (SD21). POORMAN'S DBL CL
NGC1817OC7.816TAU49005603SD21 Large and fairly rich - pair with NGC 1807 PMDC-II
NGC1857OC7.46AUR18.7k6303MC67 Hazy little cluster surrounding a mag 7.5 star - rich in faint stars. LAM AUR CL
NGC1907OC8.87AUR45004403Excellent rich, compact cluster some nebulosity
NGC1909EN180ERI4704Witchhead nebula; Rigel illuminator? IC2118
NGC1931C+N10.63x3AUR70008203SD23 THE FLY NEB. Fly w/ IC417 (SD22) spider 50' away. Cheshire cat. Small neb few stars.
NGC1961SBbc11.34x2CAM181M4201Hexagonal;2 branch arms w some knots
NGC1973EN7.05x5ORI16305704North of M42 involving several bright stars RUNNING MAN NEBULA
NGC1980OC3.715x14ORI18004704The Lost Jewel of Orion=CLUSTER WITH NEBULA
NGC1981OC4.325ORI13004604HT30 Bright scattered group to north of M42 COAL CAR CLUSTER-JUST N. OF 1973/5/7
NGC1990EN1.750ORI7904Epsilon Orionis Nebula
NGC1999EN9.62x2ORI15006904HT33 Small, circular nebulosity with dark patch 13TH PEARL / BLACK EYE NEBULA
NGC2022PN12.022"x17"ORI10.4k7504SD25 Kissing crescents. Tiny narrow fuzzy loops. Rugby ball shape. H/P.
NGC2024EN10.530x30ORI15009804HT34 Flame Neb. Prominent separated by dark lane, S. of Zeta Ori.
NGC2129OC6.87GEM49404503Small but fairly rich group with 2 bright stars 13 stars broken chainlike
NGC2146SBabp10.66x3CAM39M3501Elongated galaxy with a bright core
NGC2158OC9.45GEM16.5k4303Unusually rich open cluster 30’ SW of M35
NGC2163EN3ORI1603HT35 Two symmetrical fans extending N-S XMAS CRACKER NEB
NGC2169OC6.16ORI34305903HT36 'NUMBER 37' CL. Makes 'Number 37'. Shopping Cart. Simple cluster.
NGC2175C+N6.840x30ORI7903HT37 Monkey head. Dark sky. Delight in binocs. Use L/P for huge uniform glow.
NGC2194OC8.910ORI12.3k4403Rich in faint stars circular
NGC2207SBbcp11.14x3CMA81M3304Double galaxy or interacting pair
NGC2232OC4.030MON6904TL78 Scattered group of bright stars surrounding 10 Monocerotis.
NGC2237EN7.080x60MON55009904C49 Rosette Neb. Faint, v large, annular, surrounding cluster.
NGC2244OC5.024MON55007004C50 ROSETTE CL. Bright, striking rectangular group at center of Rosette Neb.
NGC2245RN5x3MON4604Reflection nebula fans out from mag 11 star
NGC2261E+R10.02x1MON30008104C46 Hubble’s Variable Neb. Striking comet-like.
NGC2264C+N4.160x30MON218010004HT38 Cone Neb. Bright, lrg sctrd Xmas tree CL w/ faint neb. Blue 15 Mon base.
NGC2266OC9.67GEM11.1k4303Faint but rich group
NGC2268SBbc11.53x2CAM98M201Weak bar;many filamentary arms
NGC2274E112.42x2GEM233M3503GXTR29 12.1 13.1 14.0 N2274/75/U3537 THETA GEM GRP
NGC2281OC5.825AUR18196203SD30 Broken heart. Binocs pendant betw 2 gold stars. Gumby arms. M/P.
NGC2283SBc12.44x3CMA39M3204Small spiral face-on
NGC2300ES011.03.5CEP88M101Pair with NGC 2276 at 6' and IC 1455 at 10'
NGC2301OC6.012MON28506604HT39 PTEROSAUR CL. Hagrid's Dragon. Most beautiful cluster in Monoceros.
NGC2311OC9.77MON280425 stars brt rich easy resolvable
NGC2320E411.91.4LYN273M1205GXTR31 11.9 13.6 13.8 N2320/21/22 3-CATS
NGC2324OC8.68MON3704Irregular group, rich in faint stars 30 stars 5 stars = a Y loose
NGC2327EN20CMA2904Seagull's Head Neb
NGC2335OC8.012MON3004In CMa OB1 35 stars triangular tight group
NGC2336SBbc10.47x4CAM98M2101Weak bar;many many knotty arms; P w IC 467
NGC2339SBbc12.03x2GEM101M1903Small face-on spiral
NGC2343OC7.27MON4004SD33 15 stars brt rich tight cute DOUBLEMINT CL
NGC2346PN12.052"MON7004SD34 Crimson Butterfly. Bipolar with central star. H/P.
NGC2353OC6.620MON36506704HT40 Avery's island. Orange star S side. Low/P. 3x2deg Pirate's Paradise near.
NGC2359EN10.08x6CMA15k8204SD35 Thor's helmet duck head odd structure EN. Easy L/P. Best in M/P filter.
NGC2360OC7.714CMA61606104C58 Caroline's Cluster. Rich and splendid.
NGC2362OC4.08CMA48007204C64 TAU C-MAJ CL. Striking rich group surrounding mag 4 Tau Canis Majoris. ARKENSTONE
NGC2366IBm11.18x3CAM4M3601P w NGC 2363
NGC2371PN11.944"GEM44008003SD36 PEANUT PN. Unusual PN with 2 lobes. Use H/P. Lobes are 1 light year apart.
NGC2372PN11.81x0.9GEM44005803SD36b THE ANT NEB.,DOUBLE BUBBLE NEB.,PEANUT NEB.,Dogbone Neb. With 2371
NGC2379S013.50.8GEM186M603GXTR32 very compact; near NGC 2389 group CASTOR GRP-I
NGC2389SBc12.92GEM182M1103GXTR33 brightest in group;many knotty filam arms CASTOR GRP-II
NGC2392PN9.120"GEM30008603C39 Eskimo Neb. Prominent double shell structure.
NGC2395AST8.612GEM4703Rich scattered near medusa nebula Sh2-274
NGC2403SBc8.722x12CAM11M9801C7 LLama (Fireworks) Gxy. Large spiral - arms visible. Well defined in L/P
NGC2419GC10.74.7LYN30.3k8803C25 Intergalactic Wanderer - most distant GC 200k ly. View in M/P.
NGC2420OC8.710GEM10k6303SD37 TWINKLING COMET CL. Small. Nice spread of magnitudes. M/P "tulip".
NGC2440PN10.716"PUP57008104HT41 THE KISS PN. Kiss lips. Multi-lobed PN needs M-H/P. Inner ring and bright core. EMBER NEB
NGC2467EN7.38x7PUP13k7204HT43 Large, bright circular nebulosity OMI PUP NEB
NGC2500SBcd11.83x3LYN23M2005Bright nucleus in bar;many well resolved clumpy arms
NGC2506OC7.912MON11.3k6004C54 UNICORN CL. Rich cluster. Knot of stars in Milky Way. 15x15 N2539 (HT45) Dish CL nr.
NGC2513E211.62.5CNC214M1606GXTR34 13.4 14.1 11.6 N2510/11/13 CRABS
NGC2537SBm11.73x3LYN26M205Bear Paw Galaxy
NGC2541SBc11.96x3LYN25M2705Nice but faint spiral with arms
NGC2655SB0a10.45x4CAM63M8301HT48 GIRAFFE GXY. Bright oval gxy with a prominent core. Needs dark sky H/P.
NGC2681SB0a10.44x3UMA38M5805Round galaxy with an unusually bright core
NGC2683Sb9.99x2LYN30M8805HT47 UFO Gxy. Bright edge-on dusty structure. Use M/P. Stunner in gxy cluster.
NGC2685SB0a11.24.6UMA41M605Cigar-shaped;w equatorial rings;dk lanes
NGC2715SBc11.54.8CAM62M601Several filamentary knotty arms;sharp outline
NGC2768E610.48x4UMA73M6005Bright elongated spiral with a prominent core
NGC2775Sab10.54x3CNC62M8006C48 CANCRA GXY. Bright core with a large, faint halo.
NGC2784S010.66x2HYA32M4406Prominent elongated spiral with a bright center
NGC2787SB0a11.12x1UMA32M4005Bright core, strong narrow bar with blobs
NGC2805SBd11.66x5UMA79M3805GXTR35 Slightly asym; knotty arms TAU UMA GRP
NGC2835SBc10.56.3HYA41M106Fine multi arm spiral
NGC2841Sb9.48x4UMA40M8805HT49 TIGER'S EYE GXY. Large bright multi-arm spiral dusty structure. Dim vapor trail M/P. Nice.
NGC2857Sc12.32.2UMA225M1405GXTR36 Low surf brightness;2 very long thin arms ARPS SPIRAL
NGC2859SB0a11.14x4LMN78M4305Bright core, bar and blobs
NGC2872E211.91.8LEO147M1306GXTR37 11.9 15.8 12.5 N2872/73/74
NGC2903SBbc9.113x6LEO30M9306HT51 ASLAN GXY. One of the brightest galaxies missed by Messier. Use M/P.
NGC2929Sc13.71.2LEO345M706GXTR38 13.7 14.1 13.9 N2929/30/31 LIONHEAD-I
NGC2962SB011.82.6HYA90M106Bright core. Eye shape
NGC2964SBbc11.52x1LEO61M5006GXTR39 vfaint bar;2 mn. knotty arms; Mrk 404 in disc
NGC2976Scp10.16x3UMA0.1M7905TL201 Big Ted. Large, elongated spiral.
NGC2985Sb10.75x4UMA61M5505Very bright core with a faint halo
NGC2991S012.61.4LEO343M1106GXTR40 14.8 12.6 13.1 N2988/91/94 LIONHEAD-II
NGC2992Sa12.13.7HYA106M306Long streamer extends 2' N; interacting with N2993
NGC3003SBbc11.96x1LMN77M3805Long and knotty
NGC3027SBcd12.04.2UMA49M405P w NGC 2985 @ 2.7'
NGC3065S012.62x2UMA92M1305P w 3066 3' S; Bright core; huge halo
NGC3067SBab12.33x1LEO68M1806Bright bar, knots & dark lanes
NGC3077Sd10.45x5UMA12M7605SD39 Little Ted. Irregular. Faint dash nr 8th mag star. L/P triplet with M81/82.
NGC3079SBc11.08x1UMA57M8505SD38 Frisbee. Large, bright edge-on. Spectacular in M/P.
NGC3109SBm10.019x4HYA4.3M6106Unusually large, low surface brightness streak
NGC3115ES09.27x3SEX33M9206C53 Spindle gxy. Very bright! One of most beautiful. Splendid in H/P.
NGC3147Sbc11.03x2DRA129M4101Tightly wound arms bright core face-on spiral
NGC3156S012.62x1SEX61M3006NGC 3166 group
NGC3158E312.22x2LMN321M1505Brightest in group
NGC3162SBbc11.83x3LEO60M2006With 2 main knotty arms
NGC3166SB0a10.65x2SEX62M8906SD40 GXTR41 DEATH SPIRAL GXS. w/ 5x3 N3169 (SD41). 66 Brighter. 69 near star. Faint 3rd gxy.
NGC3169Sa10.74x3SEX57M7306SD41 GXTR41 Striking duo with NGC 3166 DEATH SP-II
NGC3177Sbc12.61x1LEO60M906NGC 3189-90 group
NGC3184SBc9.97x7UMA47M8505HT52 Little pinwheel. Large gxy 40’ W of Mu Ursa Maj. Face-on. M/P.
NGC3190Sa11.24x2LEO58M6006HCG044 Brightest in group of 4 (inc 3193, another H400)
NGC3198SBc10.65x4UMA30M7305SD42 GRIZZLY GXY. Dark sky. Big oval glow spiral. Med/P
NGC3202SBa13.21.2UMA309M805GXTR42 13.2 13.2 13.2 N3202/05/07 LAM UMA GRP
NGC3226E211.73x2LEO66M6006SD43 Pair w NGC 3227 at 2'
NGC3227SBa10.79x4LEO65M8706SD44 Mini m51 w/ 3'x2' N3226 (SD43) near lambda Leo. High/P
NGC3242PN8.125"HYA35668906C59 Ghost of Jupiter. Double shell structure gives "Eye". Green in H/P.
NGC3301SB0a11.64x1LEO61M3206P w NGC 3287 at 33'; Nearly edge-on
NGC3310SBbcp10.83x2UMA46M5105Unusually bright core and faint halo
NGC3319SBc11.26x3UMA34M2705Flattened central region elong NE-SW coarse spiral
NGC3338Sc11.26x4LEO60M2806Leo group near M105
NGC3344SBbc10.27x7LMN20M8506HT55 SLICED ONION GXY. Fairly large gxy with 2 mag 10 stars superimposed.
NGC3359SBc10.87x4UMA47M4505Barred spiral with a large, diffuse halo
NGC3377E510.65x3LEO31M7106Nice 20’ pair with NGC 3367. Near M105 group.
NGC3384ESB010.16x3LEO37M8406TL102 Ell. gxy, quite bright. Tight group with M105 & NGC3389. In Leo I.
NGC3385S012.61.5SEX360M1106GXTR44 12.6 13.8 13.8 N3385/86/87
NGC3395SBc12.22x1LEO75M3805P w NGC 3396;contact disrupted;brightest of 7
NGC3412SB010.64x2LEO39M7806TL102 Spiral in Leo I. Near M105
NGC3423Sc11.43.9SEX46M406Fine face on spiral
NGC3430SBc11.74x2LMN73M2405NGC 3395 group
NGC3432SBm11.47x2LMN39M7405SD45 Knitting needle gxy. Mesmerizing edge-on barred spiral streak M/P.
NGC3448S0a12.15.6UMA62M705P w UGC 6016;bridge; near 44 UMA
NGC3486SBc10.77x5LMN31M4506Round faint fuzzy uniform
NGC3489SB0a10.84x2LEO31M5306Unusually bright round core
NGC3504SBab11.23x2LMN70M5106Lovely face-on spiral long halo/arms; pair with NGC 3512 12’ E
NGC3507SBb11.23x3LEO59M3106Face-on spiral, contrasting pair with edge-on N3501
NGC3521SBbc9.411x5LEO25M9106HT56 BUBBLE GXY. Bright impressive gxy with dusty appearance.
NGC3583SBb11.33x2UMA98M2205P w NGC 3577
NGC3585E610.35x3HYA66M4606High surface brightness elliptical galaxy
NGC3593S0a11.15x2LEO29M5406Very elongated spiral with a prominent core
NGC3596SBc11.54x4LEO55M2506Leo group
NGC3607ES010.25x3LEO44M7806TL101 Ell. gxy, brightest of a nice trio (3607, 3608, 3632).
NGC3613E611.42x1UMA93M3905P w NGC 3619 at 15.7'
NGC3621SBcd9.812x7HYA22M7404+HT57 Large, elongated spiral FRAME GXY
NGC3626SOa11.23x2LEO69M7406C40 ELSA GXY. Lenticular gxy. Few features. Small/dim.
NGC3628Sb9.815x3LEO25M9406HT58 LEO TRIO. Spiral gxy; large edge-on. King Hamlet's Ghost (w/ M65 & M66).
NGC3631Sc10.75x5UMA70M4905Face-on perfect spiral
NGC3640E310.84x3LEO57M5306Brightest in a faint galaxy group
NGC3646Sbcp11.34x2LEO195M3206Spiral at 45 degrees;P w NGC 3649
NGC3651E013.31.1LEO350M706HCG051 13.2 14.6 13.6 14.7 14.1 14.2 15.2 N3651 M N3653 M IC2759 7-LIONS
NGC3665S011.13x2UMA94M5105Bright oval with a prominent core
NGC3666SBc12.24x1LEO49M2306Nearly edge-on
NGC3672Sc11.44x2CRT99M4206Multi arm spiral
NGC3675Sb10.76x3UMA40M8405SD46 KOALA GXY. Easy to find. Obvious in L/P. Bright nucleus in M/P. S-shape in H/P.
NGC3681SBbc11.73x2LEO57M2106NGC 3684 at 14'
NGC3693Sb12.84x1CRT228M2206Nearly edge-on with visible arms
NGC3697SBb13.12.3x0.7LEO288M406HCG053 13.1 13.9 14.1
NGC3705SBab11.35x2LEO47M260613M N3692 is 0.5 deg NE
NGC3726SBc10.66x4UMA55M5005Well defined spiral pattern
NGC3729SBap11.82x1UMA49M3905In field w NGC 3718
NGC3735Sc12.14DRA124M2801Nearly edge-on
NGC3753Sab13.61.7LEO401M1006HCG057 13.6 14.2 13.9 14.3 14.8 13.9 15.2 N3753 N3746 N3750 N3754 N3748 N3751 N3745
NGC3756SBbc11.84x2UMA61M2405NGC 3738 in field
NGC3786SBap12.32.1UMA123M1405GXTR47 12.3 12.6 14.5 N3786/88/93 NU UMA GRP-I
NGC3810Sc11.04x3LEO46M5206Fairly large spiral with a diffuse halo
NGC3822SO13.11.4VIR288M906HCG058 13.1 13 13.3 13.8 14.5 N3822 N3825 N3817 N3819 N3820
NGC3877Sc11.35x1UMA49M4805Edge on spiral;16' south from Chi UMa
NGC3893SBc10.84x2UMA55M7605SD47 CHI UMA GXY. Large Grand Design spiral w/ dust lane. Oval in M/P. N3896 near.
NGC3898Sab11.14x3UMA54M5205Brightest in a large group of galaxies
NGC3917Sc11.85x1UMA51M605Nearly edge on streak
NGC3921S0a12.62.1UMA271M3005GXTR49 13.9 12.4 13.2 N3916/21/MCG-9-19-231 GAM UMA GRP
NGC3923E410.26x4HYA80M4706Large, oval galaxy with NGC 3904 40’ SW
NGC3938Sc10.85x5UMA55M4905Fine face on spiral
NGC3941SB010.54x3UMA43M5405High surface brightness galaxy
NGC3945SB011.16x4UMA65M4905Faint halo. Looks like a gyroscope. 13M N3978 is 0.5 deg SE
NGC3953SBbc10.37x4UMA55M8505SD48 Very bright elongated gxy. BRIL'S GXY
NGC3988E113.30.9LEO300M606GXTR50 13.3 13.7 14.3 N3988/4004/04B
NGC3995SBm12.42.6UMA150M1605GXTR51 13.1 12.7 12.4 N3991/4/5 NU UMA GRP-II
NGC3998S010.93x2UMA48M7705MC101 Prominent gxy, brightest in a large group. THREE-BEARS GXY
NGC4005Sp13.11.2LEO205M106Brazell's grp of 14 gxs in 2 parts near HD103913. NW grp inc N3987, N3993, N3997
NGC4013Sb11.55x1UMA38M2905Edge on
NGC4026S011.25x1UMA43M5405Large, edge-on galaxy with bulging core
NGC4027IBm11.83x2CRV90M5706Unusual one-armed spiral galaxy
NGC4030Sbc11.13x2VIR67M4106Fine nearly face on spiral
NGC4036ES010.94x2UMA66M7805SD49 KODIAK GXY. Striking edge-on w/ very bright core. Lens-like in M/P. N4041 at 15' sep.
NGC4038SBm10.65x3CRV89M8906C60 Antenna Gxy - unusual interacting w/C61 shrimp shape. Needs dark sky. Ring Tail Gxy
NGC4039SBm10.910x5COR89M8306C61 Ringtail Gxy. Merged w/ C60. Use med power.
NGC4051SBbc10.66x5UMA32M7405SD50 BORDER GXS. Med/P face-on 120' sep pair w/ 4x1 N4111 (SD51) edge-on small High/P.
NGC4073E311.83x2VIR270M1906Field of 6 small galaxys 5' south
NGC4088SBbc10.86x2UMA35M5505Bright and mottled cigar-shaped spiral
NGC4096SBc11.07x2UMA26M5005Large, elongated spiral with a bright core
NGC4100Sbc11.45x2UMA49M3805Fairly large and nearly edge-on
NGC4105E311.33x2HYA89M3706Interacting P w NGC 4106
NGC4111S0a10.85x1CVN46M7005SD51 Pretty edge-on with a prominent core 67-UMA GXY
NGC4125E6p9.76x3DRA62M3101Nearly edge-on with a prominent core
NGC4136SBc11.34x4COM28M2506Small face-on
NGC4138S0a11.63x2CVN41M2105Bright core. Counter-rotating disk
NGC4147GC10.34x4COM63k6107SD52 small starlike outer nebulosity KICK-CAN CL
NGC4151SBab11.16x5CVN46M5505Seyfert galaxy with a variable nucleus near NGC 4145
NGC4157SBb11.67x1UMA36M3505Nearly edge-on narrow streak; spiral
NGC4168E211.63x2VIR102M3607GXTR52 14.7 13.5 11.2 N4164/65/68 SHUTTLE GRP-II
NGC4169S012.42x1COM174M3406HCG061 12.2 13 13.2 13.3 N4169 N4173 N4175 N4174 BOX GRP
NGC4179S011.43x1VIR58M4106Edge on spindle shape
NGC4203ESB011.13x3COM50M5106Prominent core with a much fainter halo
NGC4214IBm9.89x7CVN13M8905HT59 NIGEL GXY. Large gxy with hints of structure. Irregular like LMC.
NGC4216SBb10.18x2VIR55M9707HT60 GXTR53 Beautiful edge-on. Look for 4206 and 4222. SHUTTLE GRP-I
NGC4220S0a11.74x1CVN42M3205P w NGC 4218 @ 15'
NGC4235Sa11.84x1VIR111M2306Nearly edge on with NGC 4224 and NGC4233
NGC4236SBdm9.820x8DRA14M7801C3 DRAGON GXY. Large barred spiral. Use low power. Faint needs dark sky.
NGC4242SBd11.05.2CVN23M805Bright bar
NGC4244Sc10.417x2CVN15M9505C26 Silver Needle Gxy. Huge narrow ray! M/P forms M81/82 pair w/ 4214.
NGC4251SB011.04x2COM49M5206Bright elongated spiral
NGC4256Sb12.15x1DRA116M2601Edge-on spindle
NGC4261E210.54x4VIR103M5306Brightest in a large group of galaxies
NGC4274SBab10.67x3COM54M6006Large, elongated spiral, forms a 20’ pair with NGC 4278
NGC4278E110.34x4COM41M6706GXTR54 Round, bright elliptical
NGC4293SB0a11.05x3COM41M7307SD53 Compact beauty barred spiral. Intriguing in M/P.
NGC4294SBc12.33x1VIR16M1707NGC 4299 6' east
NGC4302Sc11.86x1COM53M2707Nearly edge-on spiral w equatorial dust lane nr N4298
NGC4313Sab12.14x1VIR66M2307Spindle shaped edge on
NGC4314SBa10.84x4COM55M4806Bright bar with two S-shaped arms
NGC4319SBab12.23x2DRA68M1801NGC 4291 @ 7.4'
NGC4339E111.62x2VIR59M3606GXTR55 13.3 13.6 11.6 N4326/33/39
NGC4350S011.22x1COM55M4006NGC 4340 @ 5.6';lenticular
NGC4359SBc13.14x1COM58M2206Edge-on streak
NGC4361PN10.863"CRV25006706HT61 Mag 13 central star in moderately large disc DEL CRV PN
NGC4365E310.37x5VIR57M5606Bright elliptical, NGC 4370 lies 10’ NE
NGC4371SB0a11.24x2VIR43M5207Diffuse outer halo with a striking core
NGC4395SBm10.313x11CVN15M4505Large but low SB -good for eVscope?
NGC4414Sc10.34x2COM62M8305SD54 NELL GXY. Bright but hard to find. Beauty in M/P. Tapered lens bright nuc in H/P.
NGC4429S0a10.56x3VIR42M5507Bright, elongated spiral with a striking core
NGC4435SB010.93x2VIR50M6907SD55 Forms a striking pair called the "Eyes" with NGC 4438 4.5’ S
NGC4438S0a10.49x3VIR55M8707SD56 EYE GXS. Eyes Galaxies. Elongated spiral in Mark's chain. Pair w/ 4435.
NGC4442SB010.75x2VIR24M5407Elongated spiral in the core of the Virgo cluster
NGC4449IBm9.66x4CVN12M9105C21 Box Gxy. Large, bright irregular. Remarkable in L/P.
NGC4450Sab10.35x4COM55M8307SD57 High surface brightness core in a diffuse halo M/P. LINER GXY
NGC4459S0a10.84x3COM56M5307Intense core, brightest in trio with NGC 4474 and NGC 4468
NGC4461SB0a11.23.4VIR89M3707SD58 Markarian's chain;NGC 4458 @ 3.7', near M84 ROSSE GXY
NGC4473E510.45x3COM103M7807SD60 End Mark's chn bright spiral. 5' to 4x4 N4477 (SD61) & nr N4479. M/P.
NGC4477SB010.74x4COM62M6307SD61 Trio with NGC 4479 7’ SE and NGC 4477 13’ N in Virgo cluster
NGC4487SBc11.24x3VIR48M2506Coarse structured spiral
NGC4490SBcd9.96x3CVN25M8405HT63 Cocoon gxy. Striking elongated with spiral structure.
NGC4494E110.05x4COM47M5906Bright, round elliptical galaxy
NGC4517Sc10.611x2VIR30M5706Large, narrow streak
NGC4522SBc12.43.6VIR107M207Edge on spiral
NGC4526SB010.07x2VIR55M8507HT65 Hairy Eyebrow or Lost Gxy. Striking, nearly edge-on with a bright core.
NGC4527SBbc10.96x2VIR80M5506Large, nearly edge-on, N4536 lies 30’ SSE
NGC4535SBc10.27x5VIR52M8507TL106 McLeish's Gxy. Large, face-on spiral.
NGC4536SBbc10.78x3VIR51M6006Large, elongated spiral, N4527 lies 30’ N
NGC4546ESB010.53x1VIR48M5206Elongated galaxy with bright core and nucleus
NGC4556E213.11.2COM344M806GXTR57 13.1 14.4 14.7 N4556/58/63
NGC4559SBc10.111x4COM30M9406C36 CARTHAGE GXY. Easy to find. Use M/P to see oval core. Very large, elongated gxy.
NGC4565Sb9.716x2COM44M9706C38 Needle Gxy. Beautiful edge-on. Dust lane. In Huge Mel 111 (HT62) Coma B.
NGC4567Sbc11.53x2VIR83M5107Siamese twins, attached double system with NGC 4568
NGC4571Sc11.54x3COM16M3207NGC 4548 @ 27 ';Near M91
NGC4586Sa11.94x1VIR36M2306Shallow spiral, companion at 15'
NGC4596SB0a10.84x3VIR86M5307Bright oval containing a prominent core, NGC 4608 lies 19’ E
NGC4605SBcp10.66x2UMA17M8105HT66 Faberge egg. Very elongated, bright spiral. Lots fine detail in H/P.
NGC4618SBm11.14x3CVN25M4805P w NGC 4625 @ 8.3'
NGC4631SBcd9.316x3CVN25M9705C32 Whale Gxy. Beauty edge-on mottled. Close companion. Very detailed.
NGC4636E29.86x5VIR43M7906SD62 Gold star gxs elliptical L/P 40' sep to 4x4 N4665 (SD63) small near star.
NGC4643SB0a11.02x1VIR61M4006Saturn-like central mass w projecting ansae
NGC4654SBcd10.85x3VIR48M5407Large spiral with a bright core, impression of dust lane
NGC4656SBm10.615x3CVN25M9305HT67 Hockey stick. Striking gxy merges with NGC 4657.
NGC4665SOa11.13x2VIR36M5606SD63 Bright core & bar; two faint arms. Pair with SD62 as Herschel Mystery Objects
NGC4666SBc10.95x1VIR60M5806Bright edge-on with a mottled appearance
NGC4689Sbc11.44.7COM74M4307Round & uniform. Tight spiral
NGC4697E69.47x5VIR57M8206C52 Bright oval / core by star. Faint halo. 3x2 N4699 (HT68) Vinyl LP Gxy near. CD GXY
NGC4698Sab11.03x1VIR46M4107Elongated. Near 2 field stars
NGC4699SBb9.74x3VIR85M7106HT68 Small, intense core with a large halo VINYL LP GALAXY
NGC4710S0a11.25x1COM55M4807Beautiful edge-on with a mottled appearance
NGC4725SBabp9.411x8COM42M9107HT69 Blue arm gxy. Jewel of a spiral with a large halo. Inner lens in Med/P.
NGC4742E411.63x2VIR58M2106Group w NGC 4760 & 4781
NGC4753S010.36x3VIR57M6406SD64 Large bright oval with a concentrated core DUST DEVIL GXY
NGC4759S012.72x2VIR164M1406HCG062 12.5 13 13.8 15 N4759e N4759w N4761 N4764 SPICA-I
NGC4762SB010.59x2VIR45M8007SD65 Spiral thin edge-on; first in Virgo group from Vindemiatrix. KITE GXY
NGC4781SBcd11.42x1VIR58M3906Coarse spiral
NGC4845Sab11.84x1VIR57M4206Edge on w dust lane
NGC4856SB0a10.94x1VIR62M5306Very elongated halo containing a bright, round core
NGC4866S0a11.37x1VIR91M4507UGC 8091 @ 11.8';lens shaped
NGC4889E311.53x2COM400M7206C35 CYRENE GXY. Tough. Best gxy in Coma Cluster, furthest Caldwell ~300 M l.y. Nr N4874.
NGC4902SBb11.23x3VIR123M2806Theta shaped center;triskelion arm pattern
NGC4914E412.04x2CVN214M2305P w NGC 4868
NGC4915E212.32x1VIR139M1506NGC 4918 @ 6.3'
NGC4933S0a11.72x1VIR149M1606GXTR61 11.7 12.6 15.1 N4933A/B/I4134 SPICA-II
NGC4939Sbc11.46x3VIR143M2706Well defined large spindly spiral
NGC4941SBab11.54x2VIR51M2506Medium size spiral with ring
NGC4958SB010.94x1VIR67M5206Edge-on with bright core; Brightest of a group of 5 gxs
NGC4995SBb11.22x1VIR80M4006Dense spiral
NGC4999SBb12.03x2VIR259M1906Compact spiral with bar
NGC5005SBbc10.06x3CVN70M9105C29 POODLE GXY. Large, bright oval with an elliptical core. Best in M/P. 5033 is twin.
NGC5012SBc12.33x2COM120M1806P w UGC 8290
NGC5023Sc12.56x1CVN19M2605Beautiful long streak
NGC5033Sc10.211x5CVN40M8105SD66 Waterbug gxy very elongated spiral w/ bright core M/P. Near C29.
NGC5044E011.13x3VIR128M2306Multi-galaxy field with NGC 5037 and 9 others
NGC5053GC9.810x10COM57k4906Low surf brightness;1 deg S of M 53
NGC5054Sbc11.25x3VIR63M4906Three branch spiral
NGC5056Sc13.22x1COM257M1206Brightest in cluster;NGC 5057 @ 6 '
NGC5068SBc10.37x6VIR31M3106Large detailed face-on spiral with multiple arms
NGC5077E311.62x2VIR129M3606GXTR62 13.2 11.3 13.0 N5076/77/79 SPICA-III
NGC5078Sa11.34x2HYA100M2906Dust lane;Nearly edge-on
NGC5129E212.52x1VIR316M1406Brightest member in cluster of six gxs
NGC5134SBb11.63x2VIR81M2106Oval saturn like with hazy arm pattern
NGC5141S012.81.3CVN239M1005GXTR63 12.8 13.3 14.6 N5141/42/43 FOXES
NGC5204Sm11.55x3UMA9M2605M 101 group;mottled & patchy
NGC5209E213.01.2VIR324M906GXTR65 13.1 13.0 14.5 N5208/09/12
NGC5247SBbc10.25.4VIR62M2706Large beautiful Catherine-wheel spiral
NGC5248SBbc10.56x5BOO75M9106C45 SHEPHERD GXY. Large with well-defined core in "wastelands". Near 5x3 N5363 (HT72).
NGC5297SBc11.95.7CVN111M805P w NGC 5296 at 1'; Bright lens, knotty arms
NGC5308S011.74x1UMA94M3205Slightly asym; diamond-shaped
NGC5322E210.46x4UMA81M5505Bright elliptical with a striking core
NGC5351SBb12.12.9CVN166M1705GXTR66 13.2 14.1 12.1 N5341/49/51 knotty ams. HOUNDS
NGC5353S011.02x1CVN107M4005HCG068 Brightest in a group of 5 galaxies SHEEPDOGS
NGC5363S0a10.44x3VIR85M7006HT72 Prominent elliptical; strong core; brightest in a large group; Lovely spiral N5364 at 15'
NGC5371SBbc10.84x4CVN118M4305Nice tight spiral 25’ E NGC 5353 group
NGC5383SBb11.63x3CVN104M3105Weak bar; dark lanes; 2 arms
NGC5389SB0a12.33.6UMA85M205Mid-size lens with NGC 5379 and N5376 in field
NGC5426Sc12.23x2VIR118M1806Face-on mid-size spiral; Interacting with NGC 5427; Bridge between
NGC5443SBb12.53x1UMA83M170513.5M N5475 is 0.5 deg E
NGC5444E212.22x2CVN181M1505Group with NGC 5445 and 5440
NGC5448SBa11.44x2UMA93M2505Bright core, faint bar
NGC5466GC9.29BOO52k8808SD68 Snowglobe GC beauty in dark sky. Round uniform glow M/P. Starfish H/P.
NGC5474Sc11.05x4UMA13M5405Large, irregular spiral 45’ SSE of M101
NGC5481E212.62x2BOO98M1305Pair with NGC 5480
NGC5485S011.72x2UMA92M4405GXTR67 14.7 11.4 13.3 N5484/85/86
NGC5490E212.52x2BOO223M1408Brightest in group; several faint companions within 10'
NGC5493S011.82x1VIR124M1606Diamond-shaped lens
NGC5506Sap12.33x1VIR85M1806Pair with NGC 5507 at 4'
NGC5523Sc12.25x1BOO48M2508Nearly edge-on with knotty arms
NGC5529Sc12.26x1BOO132M2708Edge-on with dust lane. Largest of a group of 17 galaxies
NGC5566SBab10.66x1VIR69M5506GXTR68 12.4 10.6 13.2 N5560/66/69 TAU VIR-I
NGC5576E311.31x1VIR68M4906GXTR69 12.4 11.0 12.2 N5574/76/77 TAU VIR-II
NGC5585SBcd10.96x4UMA13M3405Patchy gxy in M101 group
NGC5590S012.62x2BOO147M1308Pair with NGC 5589
NGC5634GC9.84.9VIR82k5906Fairly small but bright globular
NGC5638E111.53x2VIR77M3606GXTR70 12.7 11.2 14.0 N5636/38/U9310 TAU VIR-III
NGC5660SBc12.03x3BOO107M3105Face-on. Satellite galaxies inc. teardrop irr gxy MCG+08-26-038 & NGC 5676 at 30'
NGC5676Sbc11.34x2BOO113M4805N 5660 at 30' IC 1029 at 26'; Many knotty arms
NGC5678SBb11.53.3DRA88M301Complex pattern of dark lanes & smooth outer arms
NGC5689SB0a11.93x1BOO116M4705Bright bulge, dk lane on one side. Edge-on N5682 and face-on N5693 in same FOV
NGC5694GC10.52.2HYA5706C66 Rich with faint stars; distant globular ALP LIB GC
NGC5701SB0a10.94x4VIR69M2606Situated within a triangle of 3 mag 10 stars
NGC5713SBbc11.32.9VIR87M206Round with bright core; interacting with N5719 at 12'
NGC5728Sab11.73x2LIB129M210913M N5716 is 0.5 deg SW
NGC5746SBb10.57x1VIR95M7206HT74 Large, beautiful edge-on with hint of a dust lane ; Blade & Pearl, Mini Sombrero
NGC5750SB0a11.83x2VIR78M2006Sheep's Eye Gxy
NGC5775SBc11.74x1VIR77M2406Edge-on pretty pair with face-on IC1070
NGC5792SBb11.56.8LIB88M1509Magazine cover shallow galaxy with bright star
NGC5813E110.84x3VIR91M4806Fairly high surface brightness elliptical at center of diamond asterism
NGC5829Sc13.41.7BOO259M908HCG073 13.4 N5829 IC4526
NGC5838ES011.14x2VIR62M3706Elongated spiral dominated by a bright core
NGC5846E110.34x4VIR84M8309SD69 Maiden's toe M/P. N5866A inside. N5850 10' sep & N5746 (HT74) nearby.
NGC5854SB0a12.23x1VIR80M1906In NGC 5846 group, faint face-on spiral at 10'
NGC5861SBc11.83x2LIB85M2009Small pretty spiral with long arms in dramatic group. Edge-on neighbour & elliptical N5858 at 10'
NGC5864SB012.13x1VIR87M1906In NGC 5846 group; bright lens with blobs
NGC5878Sb11.84x1LIB91M2309Diffuse mottled disk and bright halo. Barred spiral 'mini-me' galaxy at 10'
NGC5879Sbc11.74x1DRA35M3201Knotty arms, pair with small round N5865 at 5'
NGC5888SBbc13.41.3BOO401M808GXTR73 14.0 13.4 14.7 N5886/88/89 SHEPHERDS
NGC5897GC9.012.6LIB41k9209HT76 Ghost GC. Low brightness. Resolved in larger scopes.
NGC5899SBc11.93x1BOO118M1908Nice shallow spiral. Pretty group inc N5900 at 10'
NGC5903E211.23.2LIB118M2209GXTR74 11.4 11.1 13.3 N5898/5903/ESO 514-3 SCALES
NGC5907Sc10.613x1DRA50M9201SD70 Splinter Gxy. Extremely large narrow streak. Needs dark sky H/P.
NGC5915SBab12.31.6LIB104M1209GXTR75 12.3 13.4 14.3 N5915/5916/16A 3-JUDGES
NGC5921SBbc11.14.8SER68M2909Long arms and prominent bar
NGC5944Sbc14.90.7x0.2SER464M309HCG076 14.9 13.9 14.3 14.8 N5944 M+01-40-003 N5941 N5942 GAM SER GRP
NGC5962Sc11.33SER90M209Mottled spiral with bright core
NGC5970SBc11.83x2SER90M2009Mottled spiral with IC1331 at 10'
NGC5982E311.31x1DRA139M4901GXTR76 el round fuzzy very small 13.0 11.1 11.1 N5981/82/85
NGC6015Sc11.35x2DRA55M4301Mottled mid-size mid-tilt
NGC6027S013.32.2SER204M3009HCG079 13.9 13.4 15.5 N6027A N6027E N6027B N6027C N6027D
NGC6070Sc11.94x2SER92M3709GXTR77 Mid-size shallow spiral with faint companions 6-SNAKES
NGC6106Sc12.43x1HER67M1708Compact with edge-on neighbour
NGC6118Sc11.94x1SER72M4109Low surface brightness mid-size shallow spiral
NGC6140SBcp11.36x5DRA61M1301Peculiar gxy near pole
NGC6144GC9.77x7SCO33k6209SD72 faint oval fairly large elusive SIG SCO GC
NGC6162S013.60.9HER514M608HCG082 13.6 14.3 14.6 N6162 N6163 N6161 HUNTSMEN
NGC6166E312.42x1HER418M1408Center of cluster; many faint galaxies near
NGC6181SBc12.23x1HER109M1808Bright core, 2 arms in double-comma
NGC6207Sc11.74x2HER63M7508SD73 Tiny dim spiral gxy near the Great GC (M13). DIM PUFF GXY
NGC6210PN9.216"HER56507708HT78 TURTLE PN. Unusually high surface brightness PN with bluish color.
NGC6217SBbc11.62x1UMN63M3901Narrow filaments
NGC6229GC9.54.2HER7708SD74 PRIZE COMET GC. Compact and bright but requires large aperture to resolve.
NGC6239SBb12.63x1HER42M1708Bright bar
NGC6241Sc14.51x0.8HER414M308GXTR79 14.6 15.2 Zwicky's Triplet
NGC6284GC9.66x6OPH49.9k5009Easy round fairly bright small
NGC6290SBa13.51.1DRA238M701GXTR80 13.5 13.9 14.3 N6290/91/M+10-24-86 FIREDRAKES
NGC6293GC8.77.9OPH6609SD75 Small, compact globular 36-OPH GC
NGC6302PN10.945"SCO38005909+C69 Bug Nebula, unusual elongated planetary cut by dark lane
NGC6309PN11.616"OPH11k4909SD76 Box Nebula, small but irregular planetary
NGC6316GC8.95x5OPH33.9k5009Oval small bright
NGC6334EN120SCO5609+Bear's Claw nebula
NGC6340S0a11.43x3DRA55M2201Brightest of 3; with IC 1254 and UGC 10762
NGC6356GC8.710x10OPH49.2k6509SD77 Large bright globular - one that Messier missed
NGC6366GC10.35.8OPH2609Mid-size globular near bright star
NGC6369PN11.738"OPH35006709HT81 Beautiful annular ring planetary LITTLE GHOST NEBULA
NGC6384SBbc10.55.8OPH77M1309Large spiral with faint bar
NGC6441GC7.67.8SCO37.8k6109+HT86 Bright globular located just 4.5’ E of mag 3.2 G Scorpii SILVER NUGGET CLUSTER
NGC6445PN12.233"SGR44006709HT84 Small but bright planetary in field with globular cluster NGC 6440 20’ SSW BOX NEB 2
NGC6491Sab13.61.2DRA247M701GXTR81 13.6 14.4 14.4 N6491/93/U11007 BASILISKS
NGC6503Sc10.47x2DRA18M7901HT85 LOST-IN-SPACE GXY. Dwarf spiral at edge of local void. Large, bright oval. Stunning in M/P.
NGC6521E212.91.6DRA378M1001GXTR82 Brightest in dense part of cluster;4 gxs in 8' region DRAGONS
NGC6522GC9.55.6SGR20k7109SD78 Pair with NGC 6528 15’ E in "Baade’s Window" GAM SGR GC-I
NGC6528GC10.05x5SGR25.8k6109SD79 Small GC near N6522 GAM SGR GC-II
NGC6539GC9.18x8SER27k3809In heavily obscured area
NGC6543PN8.420"DRA32709001C6 Cat's Eye Neb. Distinctive electric-blu color. Use H/P. One of best PNs.
NGC6544GC8.27SGR10.8k7309HT89 Small grainy globular in a rich star field STARFISH CLUSTER
NGC6548SB012.03x3HER102M1908Pair with N6549
NGC6553GC8.99x9SGR19.6k5509Mid-size GC
NGC6563PN12.048"SGR95004610+SD80 Faint planetary in a rich star field, use filter STH RING NEB
NGC6572PN8.411"OPH90007909HT90 Emerald eye. Nice compact PN. Tiny disk in M/P. Outer neb H/P. Bluish.
NGC6589EN15SGR4209SD81 Pair with SD82 (N6590/95) STAR CLOUD NEB
NGC6608Scd14.61x0.1DRA309M301GXTR83 14.6 14.3 15.0 N6607/08/09 FIREFLIES
NGC6624GC8.49x9SGR16.3k6509HT91 fairly large brt nucleus DEL SGR GC
NGC6633OC4.827 & 40OPH12307509HT92 Tweedledee stunning. 120' to Tweedledum (more stars) IC4756 (HT93)
NGC6638GC9.57x7SGR30.6k6209SD83 small faint elusive LAM SAG GC
NGC6642GC9.54.5SGR25k5909Compact globular, needs large aperture to resolve
NGC6643Sc11.14x2DRA72M2901Multi arm spiral
NGC6709OC6.915x15AQL35054109HT94 Voids at center, richest at western edge. Wide pair of blue and gold stars FLYING UNICORN CL
NGC6712GC8.77.2SCT22.5k7309HT95 Irregular outline, require high power to resolve TIEN PIEN GC
NGC6717GC8.65x5SGR23.1k5009SD85 Soft glowing GC; NU SGR GC
NGC6723GC7.011SGR28.4k6409+HT96 Large, well resolved globular in field with bright nebula NGC 6723 AUSSIE GC
NGC6751PN12.024"AQL5709SD86 Glowing eye PN. Neglected gem nr lambda Aql. Snowy pufball in H/P.
NGC6755OC7.915 & 4AQL46356509SD87 Cat & mouse N6756 (SD88) at 20' sep. Small dim puff in L/P
NGC6756OC10.74x4AQL49154409SD88 very difficult like a globular
NGC6781PN11.7108"AQL25008009SD90 GHOST MOON PN. Snowglobe PN. Large, annular PN.
NGC6791OC9.510x10LYR13.4k1908Very rich
NGC6802OC9.75x5VUL36003308Bar shaped elong N-S faint small opaque disk of stars
NGC6804PN12.41x0.8AQL42005309SD91 SNOWBALL NEBULA
NGC6811OC7.213CYG39604408SD92 Fairly large, rich group in milky way THE SMOKE RING CLUSTER
NGC6818PN9.820"SGR77006809HT99 Little Gem, small, high surface brightness, bluish planetary
NGC6819OC7.75CYG76956008HT98 Foxhead rich octopus small and lonely condensed globe Low/P.
NGC6820C+N15.040x30VUL60004708LBN 135 w/6823 cluster
NGC6822IBm9.015x13SGR1.6M9009C57 BARNARD'S GXY. Large low surf br, in local grp nr 22"x15" N6818 (HT99) Green Mars PN.
NGC6823OC7.912VUL60004508Includes four mag 9.5-11 stars at core of cluster
NGC6826PN9.025"CYG32508608C15 Blinking PN. In direct vision, nebula fades, & star appears.
NGC6830OC8.36x6VUL60003408POODLE CLUSTER 20 stars brt large easy
NGC6857EN11.41CYG3708Compact HII region surrounded by 4 stars and set in a rich field
NGC6866OC8.07CYG47306208HT100 FRIGATE BIRD CL. Rich appealing cluster. Many stars in an elongated string. Kite
NGC6885OC8.120VUL5808C37 VIXEN CL. Large bright clusters in complex Milky Way field.
NGC6888EN9.520x10CYG50009608C27 Crescent Neb. Big egg-shaped annulus of neb, use filter.
NGC6891PN10.915"DEL72005908SD95 Small, high surface brightness bluish oval BLUE OVAL PN
NGC6905PN11.640"DEL47008008SD98 Blue Flash Nebula, slightly elongated uniform brightness.
NGC6907SBbc11.43x3CAP146M4110Barred spiral reveals arms in larger scopes HIDDEN ARMS GXY
NGC6910C+N7.410CYG37207908SD97 Inchworm. Crisp in Cyg cross-beam. IC1318 (SD99) 45'x20' neb 60' sep.
NGC6934GC9.27DEL50k9210C47 ORCA GC. Compact GC mottled in 8 inch. 9th mag star 2' away. Use M/P.
NGC6939OC8.48CEP38706302SD100 FLYING GEESE CL. Beautiful cluster, rich in faint stars with gxy C12 40’ SE. Ghost Bush.
NGC6940OC6.431VUL27007008HT101 MOTHRA CL. Rich star field including orange variable star FG Vul.
NGC6946SBc9.312x10CEP20M9501C12 Firecracker Gxy. Big dim spiral. L/P. Nearby cl N6939 (SD100) is better.
NGC6951SBbc11.13.9CEP65M2901Face-on with long arms
NGC6960EN7.370x6CYG147010008C34 W Veil Neb. 52 Cygni, use L/P filter. Lock silver hair flows from star.
NGC6978Sb13.31.5AQR277M1010HCG088 13.3 13.2 14 14.8 N6978 N6977 N6976 M-01-53-014 FLAGONS
NGC6992EN7.360x8CYG147010008C33 E Veil Neb. V large, good filaments in dark skies, use filter.
NGC7000EN6.0120x100CYG9908C20 N America Neb. Excellent in dark skies. Low power & filter.
NGC7006GC10.73.6DEL114k7710C42 DOLPHIN GC. Dim GC. Use med power. Needs dark sky.
NGC7008PN12.286"CYG28008002HT103 Fetus bright annular PN unusual structure near 9th mag star. Filter H/P.
NGC7009PN8.129"AQR40008910C55 Saturn Nebula. Small but very bright. Tight inner ring. Pale green halo.
NGC7023C+N7.418x18CEP8901C4 Iris Neb. Large unusual nebulosity around a mag 7 star. Glorious in H/P.
NGC7026PN11.620"CYG71107402SD101 CHEESEBURGER NEB. Small but with double condensations. Use H/P. Dbl star-like in L/P.
NGC7027PN9.314"CYG30007708HT104 GUMMY BEAR. Bright PN double lobe. Brightest smallest PN in sky. Blu/grey. Very H/P.
NGC7048PN11.560''CYG6602SD102 PEEK-A-BOO NEB
NGC7129C+N11.88x7CEP6202SD103 Small group of stars in nebulosity COSMIC ROSEBUD NEB
NGC7160OC6.35x5CEP25804702SD104 THE BRUCE LEE CLUSTER 25 bright stars
NGC7177SBb11.53x2PEG52M2210Eye of Sauron gxy
NGC7184SBc11.16x2AQR120M4410Large, narrow edge-on With Saturn-like inner ring
NGC7209OC7.225LAC38106802SD105 Star lizard large, fairly rich and uniform. Hook-shape in L/P.
NGC7217Sb10.34x3PEG44M5410Round elliptical with a bright core
NGC7218SBc12.33x1AQR76M1810Central mass appears triple
NGC7243OC6.421LAC26406902C16 SEAGULL CL. Excellent low power field, incudes double star.
NGC7265ES012.22.4LAC234M1502GXTR85 14.5 13.8 12.2 N7263/4/5 CROCS
NGC7270Sc13.90.9PEG306M610GXTR86 1 of 2 brightest in group of 6 or more galaxies PONIES
NGC7293PN7.0980"AQR7008010C63 Helix Nebula. Wonderful, huge PN. Use filter.
NGC7320Scd13.02x1PEG4610HCG092 Brightest member of Stephan’s Quintet, compact group of 5 galaxies near NGC 7331
NGC7331Sbc9.711x4PEG46M9510C30 NR STEFAN'S QUIN. Very large, long spiral near faint Stefan's quintent.
NGC7332S0p11.54x1PEG54M2510Bright halo & box shaped core; nice double edge-on pair with 7339 at 5'
NGC7354PN12.628"x20"CEP3802SD106 DEL CEP PN
NGC7377SB0a11.53x3AQR153M221013M N7349 is 1.0 deg SW
NGC7380C+N7.520CEP72008602HT106 Wizard neb & cluster. Mystical & complex. Harry Potter plays Quidditch.
NGC7448Sbc11.72x1PEG101M3910Small spiral, 30' from N7463/64/65 group
NGC7449E314.01AND234M602GXTR88 14.6 14.4 14.0 N7445/46/49
NGC7457ES011.44x2PEG37M2510Bright core elliptical
NGC7465SB012.81x1PEG90M3410GXTR89 13.2 13.3 12.6 N7463/64/65 DARTMOORS
NGC7479SBc11.14x3PEG111M8710C44 Propellor Gxy. Long bar spiral, arms visible. Asymmetric core in M/P.
NGC7499S012.81.2PSC539M1010GXTR90 12.8 13.4 13.2 N7499/7501/03 LAMPREYS
NGC7510OC8.14CEP67706202SD107 DORMOUSE CL. Striking wedge-shaped cluster. 7538 (SD108) Lagoon neb & M52 nearby.
NGC7530S0a12.90.9x0.5PSC162M510GXTR91 12.1 13.5 13.5 N7530/32/34 MINNOWS
NGC7538EN8CEP2802SD108 Filamentary struct in neby
NGC7541SBc11.94x1PSC110M321014M N7537 is 0.1 deg SW
NGC7550ES012.21.4PEG233M1110HCG093 12.2 13 13.7 14.7 14.9 N7550 N7549 N7547 N7553 N7558 MARKAB GRP-I
NGC7562E211.92x2PSC166M3510GXTR92 14.1 11.6 14.8 N7557/62/U12467
NGC7578S013.51.4x1.4PEG555M410HCG094 14 13.3 15.2 15.3 N7578B N7578A P70943 MARKAB GRP-I
NGC7606Sb11.04x2AQR103M4810Beautiful complex large spiral
NGC7619E111.53x2PEG173M4010Brightest member of the Pegasus I galaxy cluster
NGC7635EN10.515x8CAS8202C11 Bubble Nebula, unusual HII region located 35’ SW of M52.
NGC7640SBc11.411x2AND17M3002Nearly edge on spiral
NGC7662PN8.617"AND20008902C22 Blue Snowball. Very bright annular at H/P.
NGC7674SBbc13.21.1PEG398M810HCG096 13.2 14.9 N7674 N7675 M+01-59-081 SHETLANDS
NGC7727SBap10.92.7AQR86M4010Faint outer arms ext to 5'
NGC7742Sb12.02x2PEG76M1610Pair with N7743
NGC7769Sb12.01.6PEG194M1210GXTR93 12.0 13.8 12.2 N7769/70/71 EXMOORS
NGC7778E012.71PSC240M910GXTR94 12.7 12.7 13.9 N7778/79/81 SEAHORSES
NGC7783S013.01.3x0.6PSC365M510HCG098 13 14 15.3 N7783 N7783B M+00-60-059 M+00-60-060
NGC7789OC7.116CAS76006502HT108 Screaming skull. Remarkably rich and uniform in faint stars! Caroline's Rose
NGC7790OC8.35x5CAS96004502SD109 THE WIDOW'S WEB CLUSTER 25 stars nebulous
NGC7793Scd9.39x6SCL13M6110+HT109 Large, face-on spiral of fairy low surface brightness ; Bond's Gxy.
NGC7803S0a13.11PEG247M810HCG100 Brightest in chain of 6 HORSES
NGC7814Sab10.86x2PEG40M9410C43 Electric Arc Gxy. Bright edge-on with dust lane.
IC10IBm12.36x5CAS2.8M1002Mem. of Local Group;very obscured;several H II regions
IC59EN10CAS502Neb patch 30' N of Gamma Cas
IC342SBc9.516x15CAM1M7201C5 Hidden Gxy. Face-on. Spiral structure obvious in L/P.
IC405RN8.030x20AUR7703C31 Flaming Star Neb. Use L/P. Surprisingly easy to find. Brightest star in kite.
IC410EN7.530x30AUR11k5603Incl cluster NGC 1893
IC417EN13AUR3903SD22 Near the fly (N1931 SD23) SPIDER CL
IC418PN10.014"x11"LEP36005704HT28 Raspberry. Tiny pale blu star in L/P. Detail in H/P to see central start. Spirograph
IC443SNR12.050GEM5603Filamentary structure
IC528Sab14.11.5x0.8CNC175M306HCG036 14.1 IC528 LOBSTERS
IC737ES013.80.6x0.5LEO189M406HCG059 13.8 14.6 14.9 15.2 IC737 IC736 M+02-30-041 M+02-30-040 SHUTTLE GRP-III
IC1318EN10.0240CYG18k6708SD97 gamma Cyg neb. complex; low power & filter
IC1396EN3.5170x140CEP7602Extremely large haze glow about 2° diameter, use filter
IC1434OC9.07x7LAC9895502Collinder 445 fine
IC1613IBm9.219x17CET2M7010C51 Scarecrow Gxy. Patrick's odd pick. Irr barred dwarf. V dim. Challenging.
IC1805C+N6.520x20CAS61503802The Heart Nebula/The Running Dog Nebula/Valentine Nebula & IC1795 fish head (brightest part).
IC2177EN20MON2904Streamer incl bright patches 2337 & Gum 1;Seagull nebula
IC2574SBm10.610.8UMA3M2705Coddingston Galaxy
IC3568PN10.810"CAM90006401HT64 Lime slice. Tiny symmetric PN. H/P & Filter. Looks like 2 stars 2" sep. THEORITICIAN NEBULA
IC4371SB0a14.10.9x0.6CVN377M305HCG070 15.2 14.1 14.2 15.2 15.4 U08990 IC4371 M+06-31-065 IC4370 IC4369 WOLVES
IC4381Sc13.72.5x1.4BOO425M308HCG071 13.7 14.4 15.3 IC4381 IC4382
IC4593PN10.90.2x0.2HER34003608SD71 WHITE-EYED PEA NEBULA
IC4665OC4.245x45OPH11506609MC105 SUMMER BEEHIVE CL. Naked-eye cluster, resolved in binoculars. Poseidon's trident.
IC4756OC4.752SER15805809HT93 Unusually large naked-eye cluster, use lowest power TWEEDLEDEE CLUSTER
IC5067EN8.060CYG5902Pelican Nebula;w IC 5067;56 Cyg invl
IC5146EN8.612x12CYG7502C19 Cocoon Neb. Big faint neb. End long dark lane. L/P. Drowned by pair stars.
IC5357ES012.90.9x0.5PSC319M510HCG097 12.9 14.7 14 13.6 IC5357 IC5359 IC5356 IC5351 TIDDLERS
B33DN6x4ORI2604Horsehead Nebula - requires dark sky and filter
B65DN12OPH109Pipe nebula (stem); 2 deg south of Theta Oph;
B78DN200OPH5209The 'Bowl' of the Pipe nebula
B86DN5x3SGR51504209Stunning dark splotch is just west of the very rich cluster NGC 6520
B92DN12x6SGR10k4409Large, dark cloud form a similar pair with B93 about 25’ E
B133DN10AQL509Cometary; On Scutum star cloud
B142DN80x50AQL6009Well-defined dark nebula forming a large dark "E" with B143
Mel20OC1.2185PER7003HT14 Alpha Per moving cluster (Mag w/o Alpha Per)
Mel111OC1.8275COM7406HT62 Coma Star Cluster, scattered naked-eye group of 30 stars mag 5 and fainter
Tr1OC8.14.5CAS83501702Distinctive, small group MINI ORION
Cr399OC3.660VUL6408HT97 Coathanger Brocchi’s cluster (HT97), naked-eye best in binocs.
3C 273Qu13.0VIR2B6206SD59 Brightest Qu ; ~2 billion light years, variable
ARP248SBb12.91.2x0.5VIR206GXTR48 13.4:12.9:13.5 Wild's Triplet
Sh2-155EN10.050x30CEP8202C9 Cave Nebula. Challenging. Use low power and filter.
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